What’s on in Northenden and Wythenshawe

Skill Up Sessions

MAES / Manchester Adult Education Service are offering Skill Up sessions where residents can come for between 1-6 sessions to learn anything they need re digital. Sessions are face-to-face across venues in Manchester (and hope to stay open even after this Thursday restrictions).

People will need to fill out on short online form. It used to be a drop-in but due to Covid, learners do need to book in advance and no obligation to attend all 6 sessions.

Greater Manchester Walking

Greater Manchester Walking – a hub of information to help you walk, stroll, amble, mooch and connect.

Regular groups/meetings:

Groups Meeting at Wythenshawe Forum Library

  • Chess Club – Every Monday 13:00 – 16:00, first floor
  • Paint Pot Art Workshop – Every Tuesday 12:00 – 16:00
  • Knitting – Every Wednesday 13:00-17:00
  • Anxiety Group – Every Saturday 10am – 12pm, Macmillan Room

Groups meeting in Northenden and Wythenshawe

Wythenshawe Good Neighbours

  • Community lunches and information drop-ins for older people.
  • Tuesdays 12:30 – 14:00, Northenden Social Club – lunch.
  • Wednesdays, Northenden Social Club – resource centre (information and advice).

 The Carers Trust

  • A place for carers to meet for refreshments and share thoughts, questions and worries. Led by a Carer Links Advisor.
  • Every 4th Tuesday morning, St Aiden’s Centre in Wythenshawe.

​Occasional Choir

  • Fridays 19:00, St Wilfrid’s Church Rooms in Northenden. Tel: 0161 998 2615

​Real Food Wythenshawe

  • Thursdays 11:00 – 16:00, Wythenshawe transport interchange, outside the Forum centre – Green Doctor (learn how to grow and look   after plants).
  • Fridays 10:30- 13:30, Wythenshawe Park Horticultural Centre – Cooking with Confidence (learn how to cook from scratch)

​Bideford Community Centre

  • Activities and lunches throughout the week.
  • Betty’s@M23 Diner. BBs Charity Shop. Tel: 0161 946 0506

​Grand Day Out

  • Enjoy good company and a range of activities for over 55s.
  • Wednesdays 10:00 – 15:00, Forum Centre in Wythenshawe

​Keystones Community Café

  • Run by adults with learning disabilities.
  • Every Thursday (except the first one of the month) 10:00 – 12:00.

The Block Cinema and Film Club

We are thrilled to announce the opening of a community cinema and film club just set up in Northenden. It’s called ‘The Block’ and can be found at West View Court off Royle Green Road. They will be screening evening performances on Thursdays, and some afternoons they will be running ‘Feel Good Cinema’ which are screenings for people experiencing memory loss issues including dementia. Not only is there a large screening area, but you will also enjoy full surround sound!

Tickets cost £4 and include the first tea/coffee and biscuits.

Getting Here – Transport

There is parking available outside the cinema with a car park at the front and back. The cinema is close to bus routes on Longley Lane and Royle Green Road. From the bus stop on Royle Green Road, it is only a three-minute walk to the cinema down ‘Greenway’ and West View Road. It’s a 10-minute walk from Palatine Road, if you take Church Road to Royle Green Road then Greenway on your left.


For those using GoogleMaps or SatNav, the cinema postcode is M22 4LQ.

​Please see their website for more details: blockcinema.org

Directions for Men

Join our Men’s talking groups and activities to help you get through those tough times. It’s completely free and confidential, and you don’t have to be referred, just turn up.

Family Support Services

Drop in for a Coffee, Cake & Chat every Friday between 9:30 and 11.30am.

LAB Project (Learn Achieve Believe)


I wanted to let you know we are taking referrals now for our online LAB Project course that starts on 30th October.

The LAB Project is a free two-week confidence building and work skills course for anyone aged over 19, unemployed and with a Manchester postcode.

This digital version of the highly successful LAB Project (Learn Achieve Believe), which has motivated and up skilled learners for 25 years, aims to keep people connected, get them back into a routine and equip them with that confidence to move forward. LAB offers a unique blend of creative challenges and tutor mentoring to help learners match their skills and interests with further training, volunteering and current job opportunities.

  • Runs over Zoom over 2 weeks
  • Monday – Friday, 10:00-13:00
  • Participants will need internet access
  • £50 voucher on completion

A wide range of participants may benefit including :

  • People who may need to participate in online interviews for training work in future
  • People who have not worked for a long time
  • Job seekers
  • People seeking public facing or online contact work such as customer service roles
  • Recent graduates or college leavers
  • Parents and carers who are looking to get back to work
  • People considering working from home
  • Those soon to be or recently made redundant / indeed anyone considering their options

We also run a taster session, called LAB Up, over zoom every Monday afternoon, 14:00-15:00, for anyone who is interested and would like to try some of our activities before deciding to commit to a longer course.

For more information or to refer someone please email me or give me a ring.

All the best and take care,

Tel: 07914255529

Website: www.properjob.org.uk/the-lab-project

Building a Healthy Future

Free wellbeing course for people with long-term physical conditions.

  • Are you living with a long-term condition such as arthritis, chronic pain, Crohn’s, diabetes, fibromyalgia or heart disease?
  • Would you like to learn new skills to help you manage life’s challenges?
  • Would you like to learn different ways to manage stress and improve your mood?

Then this course is for you!

“I’ve got a new confidence, a more positive attitude and a better understanding od myself”

  • Learn how to handle stress
  • Experience different relaxation techniques
  • Improve your mood
  • Boost your confidence
  • Discuss and share your experiences with others
  • Take action!

Courses takes place over six sessions.